Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Final Presentation Drawings

Plan view poche: with foreboding shadow. I decided to only do a plan of the 'waiting room' because the levels above are supposed to be chaotic and unplanned, and therefore I did not want to give the impression that there was a specific layout to those levels. Instead I emphasised their ever-present nature through the shadow that would be cast down onto the ground surrounding the structure, and could be seen from the 'waiting room'.

Sectional Poche, showing the bare-bones structure, emphasising the difference between the chaotic shelves structure and the clean & simple room. Also revealing the way in which the 'waiting room' is being forced into the ground by the weight of the collectors compulsion, this is also emphasised by the squashing of earth underneith, which I rendered with the lines of ink.

Elevation Poche, similar to the sectional poche, but with this one, I wanted to show the structure as if it was full of collected items, as it is meant to be.

Axonometric poche, which was omitted from the in-class presentation because, due to the chaotic nature of the structure, I felt it did not serve the usual function of an axonometric, but rather was cluttered, unclear, and confusing (and very hard to draw accurately!).

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